• Pushcart Players: Stone Soup...and Other Stories

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    Name: Pushcart Players: Stone Soup...and Other Stories
    Date: February 1, 2025
    Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
    Event Description:

    A charming, well-seasoned blend of folktales from around the world!

    “Stone Soup…and Other Stories” supports the literacy movement’s emphasis on the joy of reading, and provides a starting point for ongoing enjoyment of folk tales in the classroom. Without a doubt, this familiar brew of favorites will delight very young audiences — from age 4 to 94!

    Dynamic, participatory and filled with zesty entertainment, “Stone Soup…” is on the gourmet “not to be missed” list for young viewers!

    Jeane Rimsky Theater, 232 Main Street
    Contact Information:
    (516) 767-6444
    All tickets $28   Friends $25
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