
  • Soulshots & Skypics Series: “Wonder-FULL”

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    Name: Soulshots & Skypics Series: “Wonder-FULL”
    Date: January 31, 2024
    Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
    Event Description:

    The Wonder-FULL exhibit by local resident Cynthia Litman, will warm ya up from the inside out and inspire you to reconnect with your inner child. Like a kid in an ice cream shop, it’s important to never fully grow up and always have an element of play in your life. 

    If you’ve lost your sense of play amongst all the adulting, to do’s, and darkness as of late, recall the last time your child-like wonder was piqued. How can you bring joy and play back into your own life? Art, with a scoop of ice cream of course! 

    Wonder-FULL presents themes of freedom, travel, nature, beauty and dance to evoke your sense of WONDER and awaken your inner child. 

    Steve Edelson, owner of Smusht shares, “there is a lot of talent within the Port Washington Community and not a lot of space for local artists to share their work. Smusht is a fun environment to share art and create a more fun and inspiring environment for kids.” 

    The Wonder-FULL pieces may be customized and purchased at any time. 20% of all Art Sales will be donated to Schreiber HSA for the Gambol 2024, in celebration of the artist’s son’s exit from his childhood years. Exhibit runs through February 29.

    Smusht, 158 Main Street
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