• Anton Media Group - Port Washington News


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    1.   Tell us about your business. Where are you located and how long have you been there?

      Anton Media Group proudly publishes your hometown newspaper the Port Washington News.  The Port News is dedicated to delivering our loyal Port Washington subscribers award-winning community journalism each week that concerns all Port residents - local politics, the environment, school and library news, local sports, community events, and much more – all written each week by our Port Washington editor – just for Port Washington.


    1.     Why did you choose to open your business in Port Washington?

      Anton has a rich history in Port Washington, and the Port News actually dates back to 1903.  Anton’s coverage of this Gold Coast community includes publishing several special features devoted to Port Washington throughout the year like The Port HarborFest, Port Holiday Magic, our special Graduation edition, Pride in Port and our prestigious Port Washington News magazine


    1.   How does your business stand apart from others?

      No other publication casts as wide a net across Nassau County and beyond as Anton does with our 17 weekly publications- wholly owned by our publisher Angela Anton.  We employ over 50 local residents and boast a talented team of award-winning journalists and designers, and a well- seasoned executive team with significant pedigrees in the publishing world.  Our more than a dozen full time editors are each assigned to a specific community to provide the most comprehensive coverage possible for our loyal subscribers.  We publish over 50 special advertising supplements each year offering our readers vibrant content, all produced by us, on subjects like health, education, home décor, dining, pets, automotive, travel, music and entertainment, seniors, real estate and more.  We also publish 7 luxury magazines and a number of specific community guides – all unmatched in the marketplace.  



    1.   What would you like people to know about your business?

      Anton also publishes Long Island Weekly, our arts and entertainment edition which delivers a high-profile distribution each week from Penn Station to eastern Suffolk County.  Offering eye-catching covers and impressive coverage of theatre, films and TV, food features and dining reviews, books, sports and exclusive celebrity interviews with the likes of Al Pacino, Tony Bennett, William Shatner, Carlos Santana, Peter Max and Jim Gaffigan to name a few - all conducted and written by Anton’s very own editorial team.